Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Election
Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Election By: Deo Antonio D. Llamas Today we just celebrated Palm Sunday. Our Lord Jesus was welcomed in Jerusalem as their King. But to show our hearts Sinfulness. Christ showed how fickle human nature is. The same people who where praising Him where the same people who eventually in less than a week where the same people who shouted crucify him...crucify him. Treating him like a common criminal. Just a thought, if I where to illustrate it in our very time especially election is just a few months away. Many politicians are surrounded by followers and are welcomed with praise and assurance and in the last hours are betrayed by the same people. Realizing Jesus was not just our Spiritual Savior He too was a Political Figure. His teaching showed us how to live and lead a Happy Life, how to live in his kingdom, a community living and loving, believing in the light rather in darkness the forgiveness of sin and of second chance, the Golden rules , the beatit...