World Poetry Day
WORLD POETRY DAY By: Deo Antonio D. Llamas World Poetry Day A time to pause and post Poems prayers or just a prose That may inspire a cause A day of poetry for our world Give hope to the lost give sight to the blind Strengthen the weak, a path for those who seek A miracle a medicine for the sick. Feed the hungry calmed the angry Be a friend to the lonely One poem One Book One Man Can change this World we live in Believe in Love, Hope and Faith Throw all the hate and forever It will lighten our fate Being One family is Gods plan and our destiny See the world in its purity opens our spirituality Know we are his Family Stop wars apathy greed and disunity Set the captives free help those who are needy Teach the world to give and love For it is a better way to live and have Let peace show us unity that will lead us to prosperity And embrace our humanity Be a Friend to everyone you see...