Philippines is this country the ancient Treasury of vast, fantastic wealth that dated back since ancient Lemuria (MU)

Allow me to share this blog which you will find very interesting about our country.

Philippines is this country the ancient Treasury of vast, fantastic wealth that dated back since ancient Lemuria (MU) ?!? (And other really weird stuffs)

There is a very intriguing link I discovered during my personal research. It seemed plucked out straight from some fantastic fantasy or scifi story, and yet it claimed itself so part of this very physical dimension.

It seemed to blur one's boundary between fantasy and reality, as if with glaring conviction that the usual clich'e that "Fact is stranger than fiction" rings true once again.
And it involves this country and its people.
It seemed to provide answers to one's long unanswered questions in a package fantasticaly presented with gold wrappers and strings, yet at the same time the package opens up to far more mysteriously profound dimensions that can leave the receiver, awestruck.

It reminded me of a phrase from my poem "Questions," that such answers are like questions waiting to unfold.

Is this country the planet's Treasury of vast, fantastically untold wealth that dated since the ancient times from the legendary, lost continent of MU to our ancestor's pre-colonial wealth famed by the ancient explorers from Hindu, Chinese, Greek and even from King Solomon's court, and even from gold treasures sourced from as far as the Aztecs to British, Chinese, Austrian treasuries in WW2?

Did a secret society of Templars already established presence in the islands even before the first Spanish expedition arrived in the country on 1521?
Will these explain why some members of indigenous peoples of the country, particularly the tribes found in Mindanao, sometimes exhibit caucasian features, and even practice a religion akin to Christianity even before the Spanish colonizers arrived?
Are the Templars the notorious global financial oligarchs that caused much offense against the country, or were they themselves victims of frame up by the Oligarchs?

What do the Mongols, the Habsburgs, and the King of Spain, Philip II from whom this country was named, have in common?

Has the once mighty Federal Reserve already crumbled, and that this country had played a vital role to its downfall?

Who are the bad guys? Who are the good guys?

Are these indeed facts, or are these rumors?

As the adage saith, "Those who know, do not speak, those who speak, do not know." But then, that only applies to those who do.
Do you?

Excerpt from the discovered link:

With the FED system gone who/what replaces it? Bad or not this is "our" system getting replaced and all we have known for our entire lifetimes.Whoever/whatever is big enough, strong enough to overturn this system is the future controller of the world, our world, our country.

We better be praying it is a benevolent force as the golden rule will apply, he who has the gold makes the rules. We know so much about "the bad guys", about the current corrupt system.

But what do we know about the "good? guys", the replacement system?

The Coat of Arms of Phillip the Good,
The Founder of the Order of the Golden Fleece, OGF

Casper wants to know about the people who are responsible for killing the Federal Reserve. Who are they? Who could have been big enough and strong enough to overturn the FED. What do they believe? "...he who has the gold makes the rules." 

I am happy that Casper has finally asked this question.

Explaining this to someone who is not familiar with my personal story and the articles I have written for the last 12 years, is not going to be an easy task.

If Casper had asked this question a few years ago, I would have started my answer by explaining who Faction Two is, where they came from and what they have been doing for the last 100 or so years.

However, over the last 12 years I have learned a lot, and in the last few months, it has come to my attention that the origins of Faction Two go back FAR longer than I had ever imagined. They go back to ancient times where they are still veiled in mystery.

Who is responsible for destroying the Federal Reserve? As I said earlier, a few months ago I would have answered, "Faction Two and the Knights Templars."

Now I realized that the Knights Templars were only one segment in a long line of secret societies who believe in bringing the peoples of mankind together for the common good.

The Knights Templars were founded (according to history books) in 1096. According to a Templar from Salzburg, Austria, the Templar Order was founded in 938 at Larambique, at the foot hills of the massive Mt. Blanc.

The Templars were destroyed by the King of France and the Pope he had placed on the Vatican Throne in 1307.

About one hundred and thirty years later another organization was formed. The Order of the Golden Fleece. This is the organization that I believe dates back as far as Jason and the Argonauts. This is the secret society that I believe has labored behind the scenes to help humanity reach the pinnacle of achievement that our Creator built into our DNA. 

From Ancient Greece to Europe, to the far east, then to the new world and on to the Philippines, this secret society has traveled the globe establishing secret satellite societies all around the planet. 
The name in each country is different. The members of each group have no idea they are connected to a larger, world wide group.

Why do these people remain in the shadows? Because if they didn't they would have been tracked down and killed. Even though their groups are world wide, they have not been strong enough for centuries to take on the wealth and the power of their enemy.

The "Treasury" of this secret group is located in the Philippines. The Philippines are the mountains of the legendary continent of Mu. Mu was host to an advanced civilization that existed at the same time as Atlantis. When the earth changes began, the rulers of Mu built deep underground bunkers in their highest mountains. There they stored the riches of Mu and the technology of Mu.

A priesthood was established to guard the treasure and the secrets. When the Templars knew that they needed to stop their work and go into hiding, they put together a fleet of ships that carried their treasures to the Philippines. This occurred shortly before their order was wiped out.

The Templars knew what was coming and they planned their own exit. 
They planned it in such a way that they were able to secure all the documents they had found in King Solomon's Temple. Some they stored in the salt mines in Austria, others they took with them to the Philippines.
The gold the Templars brought to the Philippines was added to the treasures that were already there. Many of the Templars stayed with the treasure and married the daughters of the Priests from Mu... now called tribal chiefs.
Over the centuries other treasures were brought to the Philippines. Some Spanish Templars who were part of the group sent to South America to raid the Aztec treasures, realized that these treasures needed to be saved. Instead of taking all of the Aztec gold back to Spain, much of it was sent to the Philippines.
The royal treasury of England, which was hidden at the start of WWII in Malaysia, was captured by the Japanese and ended up in one of the Philippine "treasuries". The treasury of the Chinese royal family is also hidden in the Philippines as is much Japanese gold.

Many Templars have married into the tribal bloodlines that are descended from Mu. The men who oversee the gold are of this bloodline.
The Philippine gold will be used to back ALL currencies around the world. It is happening as I write this. Soon there will be many examples of two currencies, the Federal Reserve Notes and gold backed money.
The Philippine gold is protected by MORE than just people and weapons. It is protected by beings that are not of our world.
Another key figure in the secret societies that have worked to bring the people of the planet together for the highest good of all concerned, was Marco Polo. He traveled to the Orient in 1274. He stayed there for 17 years, returning to Venice in 1291. While he stayed in China he was the guest of Kublai Khan.

Kublai Khan was the fifth and last Khagan (1260–1294) of the Mongol Empire. In 1271, he founded the Yuan Dynasty, and became the first Yuan emperor. (I am predicting that one of the first gold backed currencies will be the Yuan. Also remember Benjamin Fulford and the Chinese Secret Society he spoke about.).

The Mongol Empire spread all across Eurasia from the China Sea all the way to Hungary. The Hungarian royal family, the Esterhaszys, trace their bloodline to the Khans and the Mongol invaders.

If it had not been for the Esterhaszys, the Habsburgs would never have existed. If it hadn't been for the Habsburgs, King Phillip II of Spain would not have existed.

Greece, China, the Philippines and Austria all connect to a royal bloodline that appears to have been around for thousands of years... maybe tens of thousands of years.
"The Philippines were named after King Phillip II of Spain who was directly descended from the founder of the Order of the Golden Fleece.

The Order of the Golden Fleece was established in 1430 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy...";read=119277


The ceremonious acts of Phillip The Good in 1430 are documented, "etched in stone". But does the creation of the record Phillip left signify something which began with him? Or do Phillip's records verify something for the first time -- that we know about?
Phillip was surveying a heritage bestowed throughout a long span of "earth time". Do older records from other times and places (as Marco Polo may have circulated) "dot-connect" with Phillip's interest in cultural heritage?

Knights Templars origins are conventionally early 12th century AD, but the Templar Charter dates itself mid-tenth century. Templar lore hails from the days of Solomon. Does OGF lore hail from ancient days of Colchis, or earlier? From days after the Black Sea Flood c5500 BC, or earlier?
From the above post by TheMythSmith


The Philippines were named after Philip II of Spain. Phillip II was a direct descendent of Phillip the Good.

Phillip II was the son of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.

Charles V was the son of Philip I of Castile, (also called Philip the Handsome) and Joanna the Mad of Castile.

Philip I of Castile was the son of Mary of Burgundy

Mary of Burgandy, called Mary the Rich (13 February 1457 – 27 March 1482), was the only child of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, and his wife Isabella of Bourbon

Charles the Bold was the son of Philip the Good (founder of the Order of the Golden Fleece) and Isabel of Portugal. He was made a Knight of the Golden Fleece just twenty days after his birth.

In 1994, almost 50 years after the end of World War II, and almost 50 years after Austria signed a secret treaty with the Allies, the Austrian gold and the royal treasury were brought home from their hiding place in the Philippines. 

At the same time, many of the exiled royal families of Austria, Italy, Romania and other countries, began returning to their homelands. Most of these people had not been home since 1945 or before.

Had the Austrians tried to bring their national treasury home before 1995 (when it actually entered Austria), the secret treaty they signed in 1955, which allowed Austria to become one country again, would have made them give HALF of their National Treasury to Israel.

Austria was not about to give their gold, which has been in Austrian hands for centuries, to Israel. They followed the treaty to the letter and when Israel demanded gold, Austria pointed them to gold accounts of Jews that were held in banks in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
How did the Austrian treasury get to the Philippines?

The Austrian National Treasure was stolen by Hitler when Germany invaded Austria in 1938. Hitler stored it in his accounts in Swiss banks.

The gold was stolen by a man who was the head of the Knights Templars. The man was a naval hero from WWI. He was an Admiral in the German Navy and the head of their department of Military Intelligence, known as the Abwehr, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Canaris is best known for being the brains behind the assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler.

During WWII Admiral Canaris made a trip from Berlin to Spain every two weeks. These trips are written about in a book called The Canaris Conspiracy. What was omitted from the book was the stop in Switzerland to pick up tons of Austrian gold. The gold was taken to Spain where it was loaded onto German submarines and taken to Paraguay. In 1955 the gold was moved to the Philippines.

I wrote the following article to explain to people where the opposition 
to the New World Order came from:
 (views: 25209)
Rayelan -- Sunday, 10 September 2000, 5:19 p.m.

The following quotes were taken from this article. They are not in order!

"The officers who made up the Canaris Conspiracy came from several countries - Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria. They were part of the royal families that had made up the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They wanted to end the war and save their countries from the total destruction and enslavement their enemy (the NWO) had in mind for them. These men knew who the real enemy was. Their empire had been destroyed in the late 1890's by the same power that now backed Adolph Hitler."

"The mission of the Federal Reserve System in the United States is to rake off as much American wealth as possible before destroying the sovereignty of the United States and delivering it into a one world government."

"When loyal American military men were approached by the former Canaris conspirators, they quickly understood how American businessmen had sold out their country by creating a banking system that stole the wealth of America and put it in the hands of the same international cabal that was backing Hitler. The international bankers were orchestrating the war, not for conquest of land, but for accumulation of power and money on a worldwide level...AND as another step in creating their New World Order."

"The men and women who make up Faction Two are working for one thing: Their goal is to destroy the New World Order and the international bankers behind it. They seek to restore sovereignty to individual nations and to the individuals who make up the nations."

The Following was written by Admiral Gunther Russbacher, ONI, CIA, an Esterhaszy and a member of the Habsburg royal family.

"Adolph Hitler invaded Austria in 1938 and stole the Austrian treasury, which was transferred to Swiss banks by Hitler himself. Much of the gold in the Austrian treasury was Templar gold taken from King Solomon's Temple. During World War II, even though Admiral Canaris was the head of German Military Intelligence, he made two trips a month to Switzerland and then to the Catalan region of Spain. He was stealing back the Templar gold and storing it in Spain!"
"The Templar gold stayed hidden in Spain until it could be transported by submarine to Paraguay. In 1955, its location was discovered and the gold was moved to the Philippines. In 1994, members of Faction 2, who are Knights Templars, arranged for the Philippine gold to be returned to Austria. In December of 1994, the largest gold transfer in history entered Germany from a gold smelter in Greece. This was the Templar gold."

"Sources have said that this gold will be used to back the new monetary unit of Europe, the Euro. When the Euro is finally backed by gold, it will become the currency of choice for the business World. This will cause the dollar to fall, and according to my sources in Faction 2, the fall of the dollar will mean the end of the Federal Reserve Banking System and its member banks. Hopefully this will also end the international bankers' plans for creating a New World Order." 
"Since 1995 a war has been going on in the financial world. Most people are so naive about the way the financial world works that they do not even begin to understand how the war is being fought."

"One of the ways it is being fought is by sucking as many naive investors into the stock market as possible. Once the powers who are fighting this war believe they have sucked up as much money as they possibly can, they will try to engineer a stock market crash in a way that will leave as much money as possible in the hands of their group. In other words, both groups are working to crash the market, destroy their enemy, and leave themselves in the driver's seat. The real losers in all of this are the innocent people who put their life savings in a rigged stock market!"
"If Faction One - the international bankers who we call the New World Order - wins, a one world government will be implemented and humanity will become slaves... at least the ones who survive the purge... and I will bet you that YOU and I won't be amoung the survivors!"

"If Faction Two wins, there is a plan to take the money that has been stolen from the people of the world, and give it back to the people of the world." 

In the meantime, there is money waiting in trusts! This money belongs to nations around the world. It was stolen by the Federal Reserve Bankers who in turn had it "stolen" from them in numerous ways, from phony bearer bonds, to wildly inflated dot.coms, to corporate raiding, bankruptcies, bank failures, hedge funds, off shore accounts, and a modified PROMIS software that "siphoned" money from one account and put it in another!

Since December of 1993 I have known of Faction Two's plan to:

1) Abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS;

2) Establish a U.S. Treasury Banking System, with a new currency backed by precious metals.

"In 1994, when I was in Austria, I was present at many off the record discussions between European appointed and elected leaders. I was in Austria to finish up 
the largest gold transfer in history. The transfer that I was involved in was the first in several shipments of gold from the Phillippines to Austria."
"I was told that the first shipment to come home was the gold that Hitler stole from the Austrian Treasury in 1938 when he invaded Austria. I was also told that the gold would be used to destroy the Federal Reserve."

From this post:

Casper asks:
Will the new manage the financial affairs of the planet better than the old?

Is the power behind the new "Western? Or Eastern?"


Nevertheless I am anxious about all of it and realizing how very little I actually KNOW.


We will be aligned with the "new" whatever it is, like it or not.

Think on these things as we await announcements clarifying who and what we have become.

Casper 3-09-08

Here is a quote from the Templar Charter.

The Templar Charter, which was shown to me in 1994, is the best way I know to show what is in the hearts of the people who battle against the new world order, the people I refer to as Faction Two.

The Original and True Charter
of the True Knights Templars

The men who created the original Knights Templars did so to protect the common man from the excesses of royalty. The Original Templar Charter set down a list of basic human rights for ordinary people. These rights were based on their God-given rights. Rights that are given to each and every human, by virtue of their birth on Earth.

The monarchs of Europe during the middle ages, were bleeding the peasants dry. All land, animals, plants and trees belonged to the "King". The peasants could not hunt, gather food or build shelter to provide for themselves or their family. Had there been no sovereign, the peasants would have used the things God provided in nature to feed, house and clothe themselves. With the King ruling all property, the peasant could not survive unless the King decreed it. This massive injustice to the common man, was the reason a benevolent group of minor royals and clergy created the original Knights Templars.

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PAGSANJAN, In History and Legend