BY: Deo Antonio D. Llamas 

A-ATTITUDE -will determine the altitude of your success or failure in life. Have a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) or Have a Purpose, Mission Ambition in your life.

B- BELIEVE- in a God who believes in you. Believe in yourself too

C- CHARACTER- will be your vehicle. Care and Concern for others. Courage to face all Challenges.

D-DISCIPLINE -will be your road to your destiny. Desire wisdom.

E- ENTHUSIASM- an inner joy that you will only find in God .

F-FAITH- believing our fate is in God's good hands, purpose and design.

G-GENEROSITY- in thoughts, action and heart. It is in giving that we receive more in life. Have a grateful heart.

H- HAPPINESS- to have or have less. It is in seeing what you have and not what you don’t have that will matter most. Humility is power in control.

I-INTUITIVENESS / INTELLIGENCE- it is balancing this two sides of the mind that can create for you a higher level of consciousness, awareness, appreciation and existence.

J-JUST DO WHAT IS RIGHT.-Remember we can influence the world around us or it can influence us as well.

K-KINDNESS - an act of random kindness can change a life. Life has a way of paying you back.

L-LOVE - Live to love. love to live For love is the greatest of all.

M-MONEY- money is a good servant but the worst master. Financial literacy is a good policy.Manage you time wisely that's the only commodity we are all given equally. If you can not save  the seed of greatness is not in you. It's not how much you earn it is how much you save that counts most.

N-NEVER QUIT NEVER SURRENDER.-quitters never win. but letting go is a different thing.

O-OPPORTUNITY- We create our opportunities or our opportunities create us.

P-PLAN - Plan your work work your plan. Prepare for greater opportunities

Q-QUITE TIME- To refresh and relax the soul. Remember God even rested

R-RESPECT-respect is learned and earned.

S-SERVE- serve with a heart of passion and compassion. If you want to be the greatest be the servant of all.

T- TRUST TRUTH-is a pearl of great price one is to value with patience and wise judgement..

U-UNDERSTAND LIFE-With its twist and turn.  Learn to read the  seasons. The universe is unfolding indeed.

V-VICTORIOUS LIVING- is the sum and reward of all your daily triumphs. Living one day at a time. Enjoy the journey not just the destiny.  

W-WALK WITH GOD- If God is with you who can be against you.

X-EXPECT GREATER THINGS IN LIFE- Always good things happen to good people.                                            
Y-YOU ARE GOD’S CREATION- He wants you to be happy too. Be glad 

Z-BE ZEALOUS- In life, love, work and faith- If you truly love what you are doing you will find you are enjoying. Producing good results and in your own little way you make this world a better happy  place to live in.

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