Monday, November 23, 2009

questions unfolding

The site that I recently discovered and posted in the previous blog had actually answered once held questions in my quest for personal research, that obviously the mainstream educational system in this country would deem too insufficient to provide.

From my post in our ongoing discussion in the thread Out of Taiwan Theory versus Out of Sundaland(Mu) Theory, Origin of the Filipinos with Albertus magnus:

Albertus both your research and mine are indeed starting to link up. From my experience on personal research, my gauge and basis on its accuracy is when, despite the distance, the vastness, the separation of the sources, it is the accurate ones that amazingly fit in like jigsaw puzzle and stick up over the rest.

You once posted a link that described the alliance between the Templars and the certain rulers of the Muslim empire. This actually answered my personal question about the claim that the Templars may have arrived in our islands, even before the Spanish colonizers came. I was intrigued, how could the Templars arrived here when during those times this archipelago was blocked from the West with the rising power of the Muslim empire?

Until the link that you posted provided the clue:by the Templars forging alliance with the Muslim empire that otherwise would have been blocked had they been ordinary fleet from the Christian West. 

Whew! this is very interesting we're like impromptu detectives here with these treasure trove of information that can only be revealed by those who seek and not merely rely on the mediocre, partially supressed and definitely incomplete information about our history by mainstream historical sources as if it was their sole 'gospel truth' :lol

I also sought advice from my friend in Europe, and he mentioned that the Templars that once we were apprehensive about, may have basis for certain secret society did have the benevolent intention, despite the sheer complexity of it, when the time comes that Humanity will finally be freed from the cunning manipulation of those malevolent financial oligarchs with vile agenda of enslaving humanity. But there indeed existed factions within these secret societies, so indeed we must remain in constant vigilance from differentiating the "good guys" from the "bad guys." Here's an excerpt from the link that I discovered:

"If Faction One - the international bankers who we call the New World Order - wins, a one world government will be implemented and humanity will become slaves... at least the ones who survive the purge... and I will bet you that YOU and I won't be amoung the survivors!"

"If Faction Two wins, there is a plan to take the money that has been stolen from the people of the world, and give it back to the people of the world." 

Here is another excerpt that would differentiate the "good guys" from the "bad guys":

The monarchs of Europe during the middle ages, were bleeding the peasants dry. All land, animals, plants and trees belonged to the "King". The peasants could not hunt, gather food or build shelter to provide for themselves or their family. Had there been no sovereign, the peasants would have used the things God provided in nature to feed, house and clothe themselves. With the King ruling all property, the peasant could not survive unless the King decreed it. This massive injustice to the common man, was the reason a benevolent group of minor royals and clergy created the original Knights Templars.

These researches fused together have profoundly answered previous questions that unfolded upon my quest, like why were there indigenous peoples especially in Mindanao who exhibited caucasian features, being tall and fair-skinned? This excerpt answers it:

When the Templars knew that they needed to stop their work and go into hiding, they put together a fleet of ships that carried their treasures to the Philippines. This occurred shortly before their order was wiped out.The Templars knew what was coming and they planned their own exit. They planned it in such a way that they were able to secure all the documents they had found in King Solomon's Temple. Some they stored in the salt mines in Austria, others they took with them to the Philippines.

The gold the Templars brought to the Philippines was added to the treasures that were already there.Many of the Templars stayed with the treasure and married the daughters of the Priests from Mu... now called tribal chiefs.

That excerpt also provided answers to my personal question, how come some of the indigenous peoples, especially revealed by a Datu whom I met in Bukidnon, Mindanao, practice a religion almost similar to Christianity even before the Spanish colonizers arrived? The Templars, as it was mentioned above, carried the treasures in their fleet of ship and it occured shortly "before their order was wiped out," that was before the tragic year 1307. Definitely they may had also instilled Christianity, and a much older version at that, among the indigenous peoples prior to the arrival of Spanish colonizers in 1521!

It also further concretize that the islands, especially ancient Mindanao may have been known by the Templars since ancient times as they had in their possession documents from Solomon's court that further provided clue with the claim that ancient Mindanao may actually be the fabled sources of Solomon's gold known as the land of Ophir! It also linked up with the documentary film by the Probe Team Gintong Pamana about discoveries of excellently crafted pre-colonial gold artifacts in Surigao. Witnessing the sheer quality of those intricate artifacts by our ancestors would indeed spread throughout the ancient world for excellent craftsmanship!

I posted the link on my maharlikan blogsite and highlighted the essential parts for easier reference.

We seem to be making history right here in this thread and we have tangible proofs. Rejoice! we are part of its revelations.

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PAGSANJAN, In History and Legend