World Poetry Day

By: Deo Antonio D. Llamas

World Poetry Day
A time to pause and post
Poems prayers or just a prose
That may inspire a cause
A day of poetry for our world

Give hope to the lost  give sight to the blind
Strengthen the weak, a path for those who seek
A miracle a medicine for the sick.
Feed the hungry calmed the angry
Be a friend to the lonely

One poem One Book One Man
Can change this World we live in
Believe in Love, Hope and Faith
Throw all the hate and forever
It will lighten our fate

Being One family is Gods plan and our destiny
See the world in its purity opens our spirituality
Know we are his Family
Stop wars apathy greed and disunity
Set the captives free help those who are needy

Teach the world to give and love
For it is a better way to live and have 
Let peace show us unity that will lead us to prosperity
And embrace our humanity
Be a Friend to everyone you see
Poetry reaffirms our common humanity by revealing to us that individuals, everywhere in the world, share the same questions and feelings. Poetry is the mainstay of oral tradition and, over centuries, can communicate the innermost values of diverse cultures.
In celebrating World Poetry Day, March 21, UNESCO recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.
decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during UNESCO’s 30th session held in Paris in 1999.
One of the main objectives of the Day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities.
The observance of World Poetry Day is also meant to encourage a return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals, to promote the teaching of poetry, to restore a dialogue between poetry and the other arts such as theatre, dance, music and painting, and to support small publishers and create an attractive image of poetry in the media, so that the art of poetry will no longer be considered an outdated form of art, but one which enables society as a whole to regain and assert its identity.

Glad that my poem was included in the World Poetry Day Video. Representing my country the Philippines.

 UNESCO declared March 21 as World Poetry Day inviting poets around the world to post poems for this event. Glad to know my poem was included in the video among the several hundred entries. Glad to represent our country the Philippines. Glory to God.

Here are the 27 poets that was included the World Poetry Day Video.

Arowolo Jamiu
Soulileon O. Noel
Soumen Roy
Abraham Koshy
DrBrajesh Gupta Mewadev
Hasmukh Mehta
Sarala Balachandran
Shyamal Kumar Majumder
Gerald Weeks
Edward Bray
Sadashivan Nair
Kavita T Panyam
Promise Ita Okpokudeme
Mark David Grijalva Peres
Deo Antonio D. Llamas
Jyotirmaya Thakur
Mushtaque Barq
Ritesh Kr Singh
Nagasuseela Panchumarthi
Pantas Pangihutan S
Norma Domingo Bugarin
Alok Mishra
Jan Mather
Dolly Jain
Mosiuoa Lordkingpoeticarts Mashinini
Paul Chapman

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